Buying a Hearing Aid
Unfortunately, the Attorney General's office would not give me permission to reprint the article. You can read the "Buying a Hearing Aid" article at the following web address. (go to page 10)
For a paper copy write to:
Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General
Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17120
This information is brought to you by Dr. Yoder of HearWell Center, Pittsburgh PA.
About HearWell Center
HearWell Center, located in Forest Hills, PA, provides the highest standard of care to patients with, or at high risk to hearing and vestibular disorders, in a respectful, friendly and professional environment. Audiologist Dr. Yoder maximizes the patient experience and enhances quality of life through individual-based audiology services including hearing tests, diagnostics, education, counseling, treatments, rehabilitation and devices (such as hearing aids, hearing protection assistive devices and alerting devices). To learn more: